MBA Essay Tips for Writing about Community Spirit and your contributions to the Community as a student and beyond
This MBA admssion essay spot lights on a much broader topic. You may have several things to discuss under this section of your MBA application. However, remember you don not have to make the MBA admission people understand what community spirit is, rather you need to elucidate them what community spirit means to you and how you will contribute to the community of which you will be a part of.
Your essay should give the readers an impression that - you want to be a part of your community as the community spirit generates a feeling of volunteerism in you. You strongly believe that community service and volunteerism are very important for your development. You know that you will not be appreciated or rewarded for the voluntary works you do, but the feeling of self contentment that you sense by participating in such kind of communal activities is incomparable to any materialistic achievement. You feel that the best thing which one can donate is their time and you want to share your valuable time as you actually understand your responsibility towards your society and you want to lend a helping hand for your society.
Community service is one of the cardinal factors of bettering our society. Your essays should reflect that community service to you doesn’t only mean helping your community, but also your school, your state and ultimately your country. It is very important to include in your essay that you have the spirit in you to serve people who are less fortunate than you, not only financially, but physically and mentally too. Write how you have served the community by an act of charity, donating food or accessories that are of no more use to you, or getting involved in voluntary works like building a chapel cleaning the streets or any kind of developmental work within your reach or how you have taken voluntary actions to gather people together to initiate some trusts for any noble reason.
Show in your essay, how being a student community service provides you the opportunity to share your knowledge, skills, and abilities with someone who might not have benefited from such actions otherwise. Argue as to why community service should be a requirement for college graduation. Justify how it helps to alleviate problems of society, helps to positively mould a student’s manner of thought, and helps the student achieve career goals in his or her future. Your essay should focus on how without community service in our society many people would not know the meaning, usefulness, or importance of charity. Community service helps sorting out certain issues left out by the government and social agencies.
This essay requires you to creatively talk about your experience, skills and qualities and how can you add value to the school, where you wish to get admitted. Think of 2-3 strengths of yours based on the following points:
- Your experience and how will that knowledge be unique and important to your peers at the school.
- Your passion and hobby outside work. For instance , if you have worked with NGOs then how can you make ventures and corporates socially more responsible.
- Anything else that differentiates you from others. For instance, if you have great people skill and can organize events then mention how you can organize events.
Helping someone will surely make you feel better about yourself in the long run. Instill the spirit in you and go forward for serving your community.
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Any one essay, 500 words, single round reviewing with detailed feedback for improvement, no editing.