Writing about Self Awareness in MBA Admission Essays
Self awareness is something every individual should be aware of. It gives us the confidence to exist as an individual personality. All of us have a story to tell, a story where we represent ourselves as an individual. The spider web of our life connects us with our dreams, aspirations, choices, decisions and most important of all, our ambition. Every individual has a committed goal to achieve. Apprehending the goal is the footprint of every individual’s life.
Self awareness is admittedly the most important factor that alleviates you to trail through your path towards success. If you are a beau of yourself, blazon it. Let people distinguish your uniqueness. Your essay is your speculum that reflects your traits to the Admission Committee. If you are well aware of your unique qualities, your achievements, your passion, your source of motivation, your set goals, your leadership skills and all your hidden talents then unfold yourself and sketch yourself skillfully in your essay making the foremost use of your phrases.
For Example:
You can project yourself as, “I am a person who responds to things very quickly and confidently. I do things which I feel are right for me, but I take suggestions from all the people around me. I am a person filled with energy. I don’t leave anything for tomorrow which can be done today.”
What makes you unique? You are the best person to answer this question. But in the process never try to underestimate others. Write your essay in a way that wouls leave an indelible impression upon the Committtee members. Impressive one-line descriptions can also strongly impact the admissions committee and eventually influence their decision-making process in your favor. Your profile consists of your academic background, professional experiences, and personal interests and activities. As much as possible, the components in your profile should be multifaceted and consistent with an overall theme.
The below mentioned are certain points, you can focus on:
- Focus not only on your achievements but also on your endeavor to self-perfection.
- Be honest; do not exaggerate your abilities. No one is searching for a superman or superwoman so try not to present you as a person having a super-brain.
- Show you have a goal and a plan to achieve the goal.
- Focus on all your traits that can help you prove yourself different from other eligible applicants.
- Bequeath strong arguments as to why you should be given preference to other applicants.
- Bottom line for you: “Be sincere, be yourself!” dual has a committed goal to achieve. Apprehending the goal is the footprint of every individual’s life.
Self awareness is admittedly the most important factor that alleviates you to trail through your path towards success. If you are a beau of yourself, blazon it. Let people distinguish your uniqueness. Your essay is your speculum that reflects your traits to the Admission Committee. If you are well aware of your unique qualities, your achievements, your passion, your source of motivation, your set goals, your leadership skills and all your hidden talents then unfold yourself and sketch yourself skillfully in your essay making the foremost use of your phrases.
For Example:
You can project yourself as, “I am a person who responds to things very quickly and confidently. I do things which I feel are right for me, but I take suggestions from all the people around me. I am a person filled with energy. I don’t leave anything for tomorrow which can be done today.”
What makes you unique? You are the best person to answer this question. But in the process never try to underestimate others. Write your essay in a way that wouls leave an indelible impression upon the Committtee members. Impressive one-line descriptions can also strongly impact the admissions committee and eventually influence their decision-making process in your favor. Your profile consists of your academic background, professional experiences, and personal interests and activities. As much as possible, the components in your profile should be multifaceted and consistent with an overall theme.
- The below mentioned are certain points, you can focus on:
- Focus not only on your achievements but also on your endeavor to self-perfection.
- Be honest; do not exaggerate your abilities. No one is searching for a superman or superwoman so try not to present you as a person having a super-brain.
- Show you have a goal and a plan to achieve the goal.
- Focus on all your traits that can help you prove yourself different from other eligible applicants.
- Bequeath strong arguments as to why you should be given preference to other applicant.
Bottom line for you: “Be sincere, be yourself!”
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